Sunday, 13 July 2014

Journey, Greatest Hit

(If this post is to long for you just skip to the last two paragraphs, they are a nice snippet.)

As I was trying to title this, Journey came to mind along with a flood of their song titles that would have been great names for this entry. These names will pop up throughout this post. I hope you find them all. Let me know how many you can count. Happy hunting!

     I have arrived in Korea and am currently sitting on my bed trying to get over jet lag by staying awake until dark. But let me begin this story by telling you how God has been saving my tail these last few days, before I even stepped off the last plane.

     I left early Tuesday real early. I set my alarm for 2am, but the goal was to leave for the Charlotte airport by 2:30. I went to bed around an hour before I got up, as you do before a long day. My friend Anna was sleeping faithfully beside me as I finished getting ready to go. I turned out the lights and almost before my eyes had closed, the alarm went off and I was up dressing and renegotiating my luggage to get everything to the correct weight. I said my good byes to my dad and brother, who had just gotten home (shout out to my Mother, Father, Anna, and Cameron, love you guy!!! Holla back!). I loaded up my two 50lb bags to be checked, one 20lb carry-on suitcase, and a 30lb backpack/personal item. Shortly after, my mum, Anna, and I were off.

Departure: 2:45am Tuesday, July 8th, 2014

Arrival: 4:20am Tuesday, July 8th, 2014

     After a short adventure in the parking garage, where we got lost, we arrived at the desk for United airlines. We shortly discovered that there had been a misunderstanding, on my part, about the luggage. I was allowed only one 50lb bag to check, not two as I had previously thought. But God showed a lot of grace and the intimidating woman at the desk allowed both bags to be checked without the usual $100 fee...few! Thank you God!

     We grabbed a little bit of food at the Starbucks in the airport. Then I was wrapped in Anna and my mum's open arms, giving our last several hugs before we went our separate ways. I joined the line waiting to go through security. I was fine until I got in line, then I started tearing up. God this is harder than I thought it would be, help me please. We waved back and forth until I couldn't see them anymore. Then they were gone. It really was just me and God now, but I guess it always is. People are there, but only some times. God is always with me and at the end of the day the reality of the Gospel in my life means that I can put my whole weight on God, any and all the time,  and he will hold me, because he is stronger.

Let me preface the next few paragraphs by saying that I was tired and emotional, girl can't help it.

     As I was going through the security line I forgot to remove my computer from my book bag before putting it on the conveyer belt. If you don't fly, and even if you do, this may not seem like a big deal, and it wasn't. Well, turns out it was a big deal to the guy behind me. They had to put my bag through the scanner again, which was taking a while, and the guy behind me was getting antsy. He became insistent with the security guys about moving things along...bad idea to get sassy with security, ALWAYS... they exchanged words and insults. It was getting tense and I was right in the middle of it feeling as though I could have prevented this happening by remembering to take my computer out. I finally got on my flight.

Departure: 6:57am Tuesday, July 8th, 2014

     My first flight took me to Houston, where, a few hours later I was on another plane leaving for LA.

                    Touchdown in LA: 11:35am Tuesday, July 8th, 2014

Arrival inside the LAX airport: 12:05pm Tuesday, July 8th, 2014
   Flight departure for Bucheon:   1:45pm Tuesday, July 8th, 2014

     I looked at the board of departures and rather than a gate listed by my next flight, I saw TBIT; I was thinking that meant something like "To Be Identified Terminal" or gate or something along those lines. There was no sense in worrying about it until the gate was posted which could happen anytime between now and boarding. So, I ate a little something to tide me over until could have my fill of airplane food, yum! Returning to the screen, it was the same listing as before, TBIT. I asked an employee who was passing by (thank you God!) what the initials meant and she told me that was the short had for the international terminal. I would have to take a bus, through traffic, to the terminal, go through security, again, and it had to be done in roughly one hour. Oh, God! I can't make it.

     My head was racing as I made my way over to the other terminal. Ok, so there is a chance that your bags won't arrive because your name label had your parents address written on it, incase it was lost. If you miss this flight, you will have to email the woman in Korea who booked them and tell her the situation. They may make you pay for another flight. The next flight to Korea, may leave a few days from now. What are you going to do then?... etc.

     Sigh...That's it. I missed it. Boarding is over. They closed boarding like 20 minutes ago. I must have looked really stressed out when going through security. It was a long line and they pulled my other bag this time, because of a to-large tube of toothpaste I packed. It will take a literal miracle for me to make this flight. I tried to tell myself it didn't matter because my flight was leaving in a few minutes, there was nothing to be done, but it still made me anxious. God please carry me, I don't know what I am doing. I want to trust that you will help me, but I know things don't always go the way that seems right to me. I know you can do anything, but I have a hard time believing that you will, for me. I know you are still good, even if I don't make it, but please let me get on they flight. Let it be delayed or something. Please help me to trust you.

     Almost out of the security area, I hear a man shouting "Asiana Air?... Asiana Air?!" That was my airline...I paused deciding if I was going to call after him, but though it better to just book it to my gate (whose number I still did not know). I ran and ran until I didn't know where to go. An airport employee was walking just in front of me (thank you God!). I asked her where Asiana Air was and she and I looked at the departure screen, which I hadn't even noticed until she pointed up towards the vaulted ceiling. The plane had already departed, they left early. A little defeated and breathless I turned to her and said "It's to late, I missed it." Quickly correcting me she said that it didn't say 'Departed', I had misread it. Maybe it was still here. She pointed in the direction of the gate calling "Go! Go!" and the gate number after me. I ran as fast as I could, with all of my stuff, down the long hall way. I jumped on a moving side walk to catch my breath and then started running again. Ahead of me I saw a few people in airline uniforms. Watching me run, they called out "Asiana Air?" "YES!" I shouted back. "We need your passport, quick!" I ran up to them, passport in hand and all five or six of them were hurriedly trying to do something on their computer. LITERALLY 30 seconds later they had printed and torn my new boarding pass and were ushering me through the doors.

     I made it. It was a miracle. I was the last person on the plane that day. God held the plane for me. 

     It is strange to think, but I often do, that God wants the best for him and for his kids. That doesn't mean that everything in our lived will be all hunky dory, but it does mean that he isn't holding back good things from us. He wants you to have his best, which means he wants you to have him. All the things we go through all the blessings are to bring us to him. He loves you, so let him.

     Skipping over my 12.5 flight (where is was thinking why can't this night go on forever, not!), I have much more to tell about my first few days teaching (already?! I know :); about my apartment, my students, my city, but I will save all that for later. For now I ask that you please pray for me if you think of it, that I would make good friends and learn quickly. Know that I love you, but God love you more than I ever could, and when I think of you I will be praying for you too! Please feel message me with prayer requests of updates about your life, I would love to hear from you! May God bless you all by bringing you closer to himself.

                                                 Cheers, Christ up!

                                                           Haley, the only ginger in Korea :)

p.s. Happy Birthday mum!!!! I love you!!!!!!!!!! Guys you have to meet this woman, if you haven't, you are missing out. She is wonderful, no joke!!!

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